Friday, December 9, 2016

Christmas Shopping Project

Name __________________ Date _____________ Math Period _______

Christmas Shopping Project
Students will turn in:
        *1 Visual Christmas Shopping List (5 pics, prices, & discounts)
        *1 Answer Key with all calculations for each item

1. Create a Visual Christmas Shopping List by finding 5 items you want for Christmas in a newspaper, magazine, or take a picture. Paste these 5 items on a blank sheet of paper, construction paper, cardstock, or poster (must be 8.5” x 11” in size).

2. On your Visual Christmas Shopping List, include the original price of each item, as well as, a discount. Use the following discounts (one for each item): 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%, 45%.

3.Answer Key: List each of the 5 items, the original price, the discount, and the sale price. Show ALL WORK and CALCULATIONS on the Answer Key.

4. Answer the remaining questions on your answer key.

5. Make sure that everything is neat and correct. Use a calculator to check your work.

6. The finished project is due in its entirety on or before  _____________________________.

Christmas Shopping Project Answer Key
Discount (Show all work)
Sale Price

 What is the total cost of all 5 items before the discounts? _________________ After? _______________

How much would you save by buying the items at sale price? _______________

If given $500, would you be able to buy all 5 items? ______________ How much over/under? _____________

Stores add 10% sales tax to the total. What would be the total sale price after taxes? _________________

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